My Vision

A world where people live and work in synergy with nature and each other.

my Mission

To help people and organizations remove the barriers to celebrating diversity, deep presence, listening and speaking truth.


As a certified conflict mediator and integral facilitator, my calling is to support organizations and communities find their way through the fog of complex transitions and conflicts, like sexual harassment/assault incidents and founder transitions. Through deep listening, understanding and opening to new perspectives, I help my clients forward on their path with a clear mind and an open heart.

So what has brought me onto this path of supporting such deep and vulnerable work?

My fierce passion and motivation to develop cultures that break cycles of conflict and violence is deeply rooted in my early life experiences.

Having suffered sexual abuse as a young child, I carried repressed trauma and shame unconsciously in my body for years. It wasn’t until adulthood, after many years of conscious healing work I broke through this trauma – moving from a state of victim to creator of my own life. This shift in perspective helped me unearth the gifts in my wound, and my calling to help others transform conflict into powerful, peaceful solutions and ways of relating.

My passion is developing cultures where people, no matter what ethnic or socio-economic background, gender, sexual orientation, age or belief, feel included and have a voice.

I truly believe that change is possible no matter what current struggle you face, and that deep, open-hearted listening is the start to transform a culture.

Official Bio

Simone Torrey is a certified conflict mediator and integral facilitator who supports organizations and communities through complex transitions.

She holds an MA in Leadership with concentration Peace Building and Conflict Transformation from Saint Mary’s College of California and an MA in International Communication from the International University of Perugia in Italy.

Simone’s facilitation is strongly influenced by her broad worldview, acquired through 15 years living and working in multicultural contexts in many different countries all over the world.

Born in Germany, she completed undergraduate and first graduate studies in Italy, worked for seven years in Belgium with various international organizations and started one of the first collaborative work and meeting spaces focused on social innovation (now called Impact Hub).

In 2011, she moved from the UK to Egypt to work with various social innovators and facilitate dialogue spaces around the country.

Simone has been living in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2013, where she loves being part of the Burning Man community of cultural creatives and makers.